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Completes the picture Pine Forest in Viatka Province. March 12: is awarded first prize for this work in the competition organized by the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. December - February 1873: takes part in the second Itinerant exhibition (Shishkin's works were shown at all subsequent exhibitions of the Society). Summer: resides at Serebrianka near Luga (a town in St. Petersburg province) together with Kramskoi and Konstantin Savitsky, an Itinerant genre-painter and Shishkin's closest friend. Paints the pictures Backwoods and Midday. The Coppice. Takes part in the Academy of Arts exhibition. Kramskoi in a letter to Vasilyev notes Shishkin's immense creative progress.

Shishkin (seated, sixth from right) with members of the Society for Circulating Art Exhibitions. Photograph. 1888
Shishkin (seated, sixth from right) with members of the Society for Circulating Art Exhibitions. Photograph. 1888

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