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February 28: is made professor for the picture Backwoods. May: prepares and prints 11 etchings for an album to be presented to contestants as a prize by the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. Two of his ink drawings, both entitled Pine Forest, are exhibited at the Vienna World Fair. Summer: resides with Kramskoi and Savitsky at Kozlovka-Zaseka near Tula. Paints the pictures Fir-tree Forest, Woodland Bog and the study Oak Wood on a Cloudy Day. Takes part in the Academy of Arts exhibition. December: together with Kramskoi and the writer Dmitry Grigorovich, secretary of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, organizes a posthumous exhibition (opened in January 1874) of the works of Fiodor Vasilyev who died in September 1873.

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