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Winter: visits the studio of the Bavarian animal painters, the brothers Benno and Franz Adam, and that of Friedrich Volz, animal painter and landscapist. Early spring: leaves Munich for Switzerland. March - late May: resides in Zurich; works in the studio of Rudolf Roller, Swiss landscape and animal painter. Summer: works from nature in Bernese Oberland, together with Lev Kamenev who came to join him from Russia. Late October: returns to Zurich and Roller's studio.

Ilya Repin. 1844 - 1930. Portrait of Shishkin. 1876 Oil on canvas. 106X88 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
Ilya Repin. 1844 - 1930. Portrait of Shishkin. 1876 Oil on canvas. 106×88 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

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