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About book



Альбом посвящен творчеству великого русского художника-пейзажиста И. И. Шишкина, вдохновенного певца природы России, одного из крупнейших передвижников.

Вступительная статья Алексея Савинова.

Издание содержит 196 иллюстраций, 125 из которых в цвете.


Aurora art publishers


Introductory articles by

Alexei Savinov and Alexei Fiodorov-Davydov

Selection and biographical outline by

Irina Shuvalova

Designed by

Yevgeny Bolshakov

© Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad, 1981, 1983

Printed and bound in the USSR


Альбом (на английском языке)

Издание второе

Издательство "Аврора". Ленинград. 1983

Изд. № 239. (11-30)

Типография имени Ивана Федорова, Ленинград

Printed and bound in the USSR

Other Aurora art books

(separate English, French and German editions)


Ivan Aivazovsky (1817 - 1900) is the most celebrated marine painter in Russian art. His paintings won him wide recognition both in Russia and abroad. He was elected a member of the St. Petersburg, Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, and Stuttgart art academies. Selected for reproduction in this book out of Aivazovsky's enormous legacy (about 6,000 works) are his best-known paintings and drawings from Soviet museums. The photographs illustrate Aivazovsky's life and creative activities in the Crimea.

Introduction and selection

by Nikolai Novouspensky

120 illustrations,

including 111 full-colour plates


Isaac Levitan (1860 - 1900) was called by Chekhov the best Russian landscape painter. Levitan created his own poetical image of Russian nature; his lyrical canvases subtly convey the state of nature at different seasons of the year. The book contains reproductions of Levitan's paintings and also of their details, revealing the unique features of the artist's palette. A biographical outline puts the work of Levitan into historical perspective.

Introduction by Alexei Fiodorov-Davydov

Selection by Tamara Yurova

196 illustrations,

including 125 full-colour plates

Printed and bound in the USSR

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