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Plates. Part 6

101. Wild flowers. 1884. Lead pencil on paper. 45X29 cm. Museum of the Academy of Arts, Leningrad
101. Wild flowers. 1884. Lead pencil on paper. 45×29 cm. Museum of the Academy of Arts, Leningrad

102. Sestroretsk. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 13.8X19.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
102. Sestroretsk. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 13.8×19.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

103. The apiary. The village of Budy. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 23.5X38 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
103. The apiary. The village of Budy. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 23.5×38 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

104. Forest stream with steep banks. 1885. Lead pencil on paper. 47.5X31.6 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
104. Forest stream with steep banks. 1885. Lead pencil on paper. 47.5×31.6 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

105. The forest in winter. 1884. Charcoal and chalk on tinted paper. 49.3X64.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
105. The forest in winter. 1884. Charcoal and chalk on tinted paper. 49.3×64.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

106. Sketch. 1884. Lead pencil on paper. 23.5X63.2 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
106. Sketch. 1884. Lead pencil on paper. 23.5×63.2 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

107. Swamp in the forest. 1885. Pen and ink on paper. 10.3X16.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
107. Swamp in the forest. 1885. Pen and ink on paper. 10.3×16.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

108. By the stream. 1883. Charcoal, chalk and white on tinted paper, mounted on cardboard. 59.2X45.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
108. By the stream. 1883. Charcoal, chalk and white on tinted paper, mounted on cardboard. 59.2×45.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

109. Crimean nut-trees. 1884. Charcoal and chalk on tinted paper. 60.4X45.4 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
109. Crimean nut-trees. 1884. Charcoal and chalk on tinted paper. 60.4×45.4 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

110. The apiary. 1884. Pen and ink on tinted paper. 90X69 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
110. The apiary. 1884. Pen and ink on tinted paper. 90×69 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

111. ForesT stream. 1880. Pen, ink and white on paper. 77.4x61.4 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
111. ForesT stream. 1880. Pen, ink and white on paper. 77.4×61.4 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

112. On the seashore. Sestroretsk. 1885. Study for the composition On the Seashore at Dubki (1885) Lead pencil on paper. 46.4X30.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
112. On the seashore. Sestroretsk. 1885. Study for the composition On the Seashore at Dubki (1885) Lead pencil on paper. 46.4×30.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

113. Peter the Great's oak grove on the seashore at Sestroretsk. 1885. Lead pencil, charcoal, sauce and chalk on paper. 65X96 cm. (exposed area) Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
113. Peter the Great's oak grove on the seashore at Sestroretsk. 1885. Lead pencil, charcoal, sauce and chalk on paper. 65×96 cm. (exposed area) Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

114. Woodland vistas. 1884 Oil on canvas. 112.8X164 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
114. Woodland vistas. 1884 Oil on canvas. 112.8×164 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

115. Pine forest. 1885. Oil on canvas. 113.5X161 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
115. Pine forest. 1885. Oil on canvas. 113.5×161 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

116. Pine forest. 1885. Oil on canvas. 113.5X161 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
116. Pine forest. 1885. Oil on canvas. 113.5×161 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

117. Fir-trees lit up by the sun. 1880s. Load pencil on paper. 29.8X23.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
117. Fir-trees lit up by the sun. 1880s. Load pencil on paper. 29.8×23.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

118. The park. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 33.1X24.6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
118. The park. 1880s. Lead pencil on paper. 33.1×24.6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

119. Forest stream. 1880s. Load pencil on paper. 66X41.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
119. Forest stream. 1880s. Load pencil on paper. 66×41.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

120. Forest bog. 1889. Pen and ink on paper. 85.5X65 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
120. Forest bog. 1889. Pen and ink on paper. 85.5×65 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

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