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Plates. Part 2

21. Shmeliovka. Windy day. 1861. Water-colours, lead pencil and white on paper, mounted on cardboard. 18.3X32.2 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
21. Shmeliovka. Windy day. 1861. Water-colours, lead pencil and white on paper, mounted on cardboard. 18.3×32.2 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

22. Old house by a pond. 1860s. Sepia on paper. 33X26.5 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev
22. Old house by a pond. 1860s. Sepia on paper. 33×26.5 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev

23. Ruins of the tower of 'Devil's place' in Yelabuga. 1861. Lead pencil and chalk on tinted paper. 38.1X27.3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
23. Ruins of the tower of 'Devil's place' in Yelabuga. 1861. Lead pencil and chalk on tinted paper. 38.1×27.3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

24. Forest path. 1863. Lead pencil on paper. 16.3X10.7 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
24. Forest path. 1863. Lead pencil on paper. 16.3×10.7 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

25. Dresden. Augustus bridge. 1862. Water-colours on paper. 16X24.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
25. Dresden. Augustus bridge. 1862. Water-colours on paper. 16×24.7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

26. Sketch (trees and rocks) Lead pencil, pen and Indian ink on tinted paper. 24.3X32.3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
26. Sketch (trees and rocks) Lead pencil, pen and Indian ink on tinted paper. 24.3×32.3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

27. Forest road. 1869. Pen and ink on tinted paper. 28.3X20.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
27. Forest road. 1869. Pen and ink on tinted paper. 28.3×20.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

28. Herdsman with a herd. 1860s. Pen, ink and brush on paper. 28.2X42.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
28. Herdsman with a herd. 1860s. Pen, ink and brush on paper. 28.2×42.8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

29. A walk in the summer gardens, St. Petersburg. 1869. Pen and ink on paper. 54.5X40.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
29. A walk in the summer gardens, St. Petersburg. 1869. Pen and ink on paper. 54.5×40.1 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

30. Oak-tree. 1867. Lithograph. 21.4X28.4 cm
30. Oak-tree. 1867. Lithograph. 21.4×28.4 cm

31. Felling trees. 1867. Oil on canvas. 122X194 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
31. Felling trees. 1867. Oil on canvas. 122×194 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

32. Landscape with hunter. Valaam island. 1867. Oil on canvas. 36.5X60 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
32. Landscape with hunter. Valaam island. 1867. Oil on canvas. 36.5×60 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

33. Forest landscape with herons. 1870. Oil on canvas. 79X112 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
33. Forest landscape with herons. 1870. Oil on canvas. 79×112 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

34. Mushroom hunting. 1870. Oil on canvas. 66.5X55.5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad
34. Mushroom hunting. 1870. Oil on canvas. 66.5×55.5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad

35. Evening. 1871. Oil on canvas. 71X144 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
35. Evening. 1871. Oil on canvas. 71×144 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

36. Promenade in the forest. 1869. Oil on canvas. 34.3X43.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
36. Promenade in the forest. 1869. Oil on canvas. 34.3×43.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

37. Horses under the oak-trees. Pen, ink and brush on tinted paper. 37X27.5 cm. Art Museum, Vilnius
37. Horses under the oak-trees. Pen, ink and brush on tinted paper. 37×27.5 cm. Art Museum, Vilnius

38. In the forest. 1869. Pen and ink on paper. 37.2X21.5 cm. Museum of Latvian and Russian Art, Riga
38. In the forest. 1869. Pen and ink on paper. 37.2×21.5 cm. Museum of Latvian and Russian Art, Riga

39. Midday in the neighbourhood of Moscow. 1869. Oil on canvas. 111.2X80.4 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
39. Midday in the neighbourhood of Moscow. 1869. Oil on canvas. 111.2×80.4 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

40. Apiary in the wood. 1876. Oil on canvas. 80X64 cm. Museum of History and Architecture, Novgorod
40. Apiary in the wood. 1876. Oil on canvas. 80×64 cm. Museum of History and Architecture, Novgorod

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